Industrial and civil monolithic floor coatings
SIPI Nord Srl
History References Brochure Guided tour REQUEST INFO Guarantee Contacts

Pavimentazione Dursil

Pavimentazione Chemidur

Our flooring is identified under the and brands

We offer our customers over fifty years of qualified experience gained in the construction of large industrial factory floors.

Our company is responsible for the marketing of the and flooring brands.

solitec provides guidance on intended use, the final design and all the procedures for the implementation of the works.

S.I.P.I. Nord Srl - Società Italiana Pavimenti Industriali - I 00191 Roma Corso di Francia 183
tel. +39.06.36381299 - fax +39.06.36382132 -
C.F. 02771140585 P.I. 01115131003
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