Monolithic flooring: What is it?.
A monolithic floor is a generic term used to describe a product which is not produced in a factory but cast as a single piece in-situ. It cannot be associated with any other remade product.
How is it done?
It is necessary to always consider the final use of the product, without overlooking the essential elements when choosing a Monolithic flooring product.
What to expect from a monolithic floor covering?
Most expect the floor to maintain its features over a period of time. For this reason it is important to address a number of questions in the planning phase. For example: the severity of use, the type and nature of the traffic over the area, expected loads, will there be a use of aggressive chemicals, compliance with hygiene standards, etc.
This will then allow for the creation of a plan taking into account all the requirements the flooring is expected to meet over the years to come.
Once these parameters have been defined and agreed, the designer can draw up a specific tender the specification and design of which are optimised for the use proposed.
For example: a concrete monolithic or a prefabricated floor, a resin or ceramics floor, etc.
Making the right choice.
Collaboration with a company of solid experience whose knowledge and expertise combines the best materials with the requirements of use provided by the customer is the key point of the research. The Company must be able to demonstrate extensive experience in the various sectors of industrial construction as well as the products on the market from which it is able to gain sufficient knowledge. Too frequently, some organisations put together inaccurate specifications due to a lack of knowledge of the many variables, making technical choices and imposing economic burdens that may compromise the end result. S.I.P.I. Nord offers monolithic flooring systems designed for use, complete with sound specifications which reinforces the continuous industrial knowledge and know-how gained from the 1950s making it a market leader not only in Italy but also abroad.
In summary, the three key elements, so critical to the final success of the project must be clearly identified.
- STRUCTURAL PROJECT (Foundations and load bearing)
- THE FLOOR (Surface covering)
The project must take into account the correct sizing for the loads expected in terms of the land or the load-bearing floor, as in failing to do so the covering and work of the company may be compromised, regardless of how well it is made, it could have an effect on the end result.
And what good is it to have a good project and perfect application if floor covering is of poor quality as well as poor durability?
In conclusion, any industrial floor, must be rooted in good design, (the load bearing structures, the terrain, floor screed or concrete), suitable technology on the choice of materials for the pavements and the correct execution of the work.
DURSIL and CHEMIDUR Performance Flooring are the essence of this description.
A truly UNIQUE EXPERIENCE when compared to the competition who are unable to substantiate such claims.